300BLK vs .556/.223 for Coyotes?
Summer is here, turn up the heat on your predator/varmint population.
With the return of summer there is a lot to do in preparation for next season, as most hunters and outfitters know. Right now, this very week, this is when you turn numerous hours of off-season work into next season’s success stories. In-between scouting, maintaining food sources/plots, and constant land management -overlooking nuisance animals can easily happen to anyone.

So, why not knock out one, two, or maybe even three birds with one stone? I mean really who isn’t itching for some field time already? Take advantage of these long summer days with predator control & effective recon for next year. While you’re at it take a kid in need for the ride. This is a premier time to ensure the future of outdoorsmen, and that is done by exposing the outdoors to the next generation. The host of the show and charitable organization known as ”Majesty Outdoors” Mr. Bill Blodgett, had this to say, “Summer time, is the perfect time to get the kids outdoors while having fun, we make some jokes, and knock down the intensity level, all the while we are still preparing them for success in the great outdoors and creating memories that last a lifetime.”
Recently on a trip out west, I was on the road and able to swing by a ranch that works directly with the group from Majesty Outdoors and one of the premium outfitting service’s they use, and sure they were doing all the required off-season work, but at the same time they were having some very serious fun controlling coyote and varmint numbers with kids that needed some positivity in life.
A great guide/outfitter is always in the field scouting, patterning, observing heard health etc., while taking steps to ensure a successful season to come. With that usually a few predators hit the dirt from rifles of the same genre, but here on this outing, I noticed the guns being used were not the typical .556/.223 run-of- the- mill AR15’s, instead these were 300BLK setups. Running in the trucks, ATV’s, and blinds were numerous BCI Defense “Professional Series” rifles chambered in 300BLK. The guns were in a beautiful (matching receiver sets!!!!) FDE finish which blended perfectly with the western brush, and were dropping some tight groups at the range with the Freedom Munitions ammunition, from even first-time shooters.
Still I had to finally ask the owner of the outfitter service: “Why 300BLK for song dogs and rabbits, why not the .556? It is more than enough horsepower to do the job”.

The owner of the outfitter, and lead guide for these outings replied: “My success ratio with even seasoned hunters is higher with the 300BLK, as you can see… we can get very high winds at times, and a majority of all shots are within a few hundred yards. By knocking down windage as much as possible we in turn have seen a higher percentile of successful harvests. The larger bullet and heavier grain, combined with its low-recoil and outstanding silencer performance, makes it the perfect setup for new and old shooters alike”
Drop is consistent, wind is not, next time you go to grab your favorite coyote call go ahead and grab a 300BLK. You might just find your new favorite coyote round, and don’t forget just one day experiencing the outdoors to you may be just another day, but to a youth in need it could be a whole new perspective on life. Make sure to check out “Majesty Outdoors” Tuesday at 9:30 AM (EST) on the Pursuit Channel.
To learn more about Majesty Outdoors visit: majestyoutdoors.org
To see the great line of products available from BCI Defense head over to: bcidefense.com